Get Started 🚀

Set up everything and get started in under 3 minutes.

Tutorial Outcome: Your app is set up, and ready to display your messages in a post-purchase page.
Estimated Duration: 5 minutes 🕒

What does Axe Post purchase do?

Axe post purchase gives you the ability to write messages that will display as a separate page, right after a customer completes an order, and right before the Thank you page.

On this page, you can write whatever you want.

How do I set things up

Store Checkout Settings

Go to your store’s Checkout Settings.

The Checkout Settings page of your Shop.
The Checkout Settings page of your Shop.

In the settings, make sure that Axe Post Purchase is toggled, like shown in the video and screenshot above.

And that’s it for the setup, there is nothing else to install/setup/configure/etc…

How do I use the app

  • Go in the app.
  • You are now in the Settings page of Axe Post Purchase.

Here, you can customize what message will show up to customers after they’ve bought from your shop. You can write in the text fields, and save your new settings.

The settings page of the Axe Post Purchase app.
The settings page of the Axe Post Purchase app.

Once you’ve customized to your wishes and save, this is what the post purchase page can look like:

The post purchase page that your customers see.
The post purchase page that your customers see. As you can see, there are many possibilities of what you can put in the page. These two screenshots are only two examples of what you can write.

And that’s it for the setup 🚀
You can now start customizing your messages and start taking advantage of the post-purchase page!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at